SW Roller: Scintillating Say’s Phoebe (Sayornis saya), Los Poblanos Open Space, Albuquerque New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Strutting Sandhill Crane (Grus canadensis), Los Poblanos Open Space, Albuquerque New Mexico USA
SW Roller: On the Wing Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), Los Poblanos Open Space, Albuquerque New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Cleared for Landing, Sandhill Cranes (Grus canadensis), Los Poblanos Open Space, Albuquerque New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Bashful Bushtit (Psaltriparus minimus), Tingley Beach Nature Preserve, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Hiding American Coot (Fulica americana), Tingley Beach Nature Preserve, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Swimming American Wigeon (Mareca americana), Tingley Beach Nature Preserve, Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Posing Western Bluebird (Sialia mexicana), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Well-fed Black Phoebe (Sayornis nigricans), Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Wowing Wood Duck (Aix sponsa), Rio Grande Nature Center, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Twisted Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata), Rio Grande Nature Center, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Camouflaged Lesser Goldfinch, (Spinus psaltria), North Diversion Channel Outlet, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Restless Red-breasted Nuthatch, (Sitta canadensis), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Side Posed Green-tailed Towhee (Pipilo chlorurus), Rio Grande Nature Center, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis), Rio Grande Nature Center, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Posing Northern Flicker, (Colaptes auratus), Rio Grande Bosque, Left Bank, North of State Route 528, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: “’Will You Walk into My Parlour,’ said the Spider to the Fly,” Black-chinned Hummingbird (Archilochus alexandri) and European Mantis (Mantis religiosa), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: In Motion Black-chinned Hummingbird (f) (Archilochus alexandri), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Hovering Black-chinned Hummingbird (f) (Archilochus alexandri), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: On a Wire, Say’s Phoebe (Sayornis saya), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Handsome Banded House Finch (m) (Haemorhous mexicanus), Rio Grande State Park (Nature Center), Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Good Morning Spotted Towhee (Pipilo maculatus) Rio Grande Bosque, Albuquerque Riverside Drain, Alameda, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Posing House Finch (Haemorhous mexicanus) on Joshua Tree (Yucca brevifolia) Spear, New Mexico, USA
SW Roller: Suspicious Canada Goose (Branta canadensis), Rio Grande, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Landing Mallard Drake (Anas platyrhynchos), Bachechi Open Space, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Leaf Munching White-crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Ridiculously Photogenic Wood Duck Drake (Aix sponsa), Bachechi Open Space, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Swimming Mallard Hen (Anas platyrhynchos), Bachechi Open Space, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Floating Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), Rio Grande, Bernalillo County, New Mexico USA
SW Roller: Sun Drying Neotropic Cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), Rio Grande, Bernalillio County, New Mexico USA