Andy Smitty Schmidt: Portland Women's Forum -- First view of the Columbia Gorge
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Crown Point
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Descending to river level
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Shepperd's Dell
Andy Smitty Schmidt: One of many bridges in the Gorge
Andy Smitty Schmidt: The Old Highway
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Ice Cream and Smoothie at Multnomah Falls
Andy Smitty Schmidt: uncovered tunnel
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Horesetail Falls Kiddo
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Roadside Rest
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Campground Sprinklers
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Smiley and Blurry
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Ainsworth Grillin'
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Chicken Sausage + Grilled Squash + Avocado + Refried Beans... all wrapped up
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Night light dancing
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Cowboy Camp Migration
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Horsetail Falls
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Bike train porn
Andy Smitty Schmidt: fairy garden
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Oneonta Gorge
Andy Smitty Schmidt: They lost us shortly after the climbing began... we didn't see them again until the top.
Andy Smitty Schmidt: Ascending out of the Gorge...