gred.: The woman
gred.: Dominant (sub)culture
gred.: Indifference
gred.: The gold jail
gred.: The suspended body
gred.: Angelica
gred.: The oyster
gred.: The garden of the forgetfulness
gred.: Veronica, the broken doll
gred.: L'innocenza del dolore/ Innocence of grief
gred.: la vita
gred.: Deliberate loneliness
gred.: Waiting Godot
gred.: algoritmo mattutino
gred.: Separation
gred.: The age of the reflection
gred.: donna di cuori
gred.: Clay soul
gred.: Now it's enough.
gred.: Free
gred.: The lightness
gred.: You go street of it
gred.: The impossible dream
gred.: La dissonanza / The dissonance
gred.: Histoire d'O
gred.: L'inizio / the beginning
gred.: Come una Maddalena / Like a Maddalena
gred.: L'impatto è feroce / The impact is fierce
gred.: The job dignifies the man and destroys the woman
gred.: voglia di volare