gred.: La seduzione dell'altrove. The seduction of the elsewhere
gred.: Fabbrica addio
gred.: The loneliness of the first numbers
gred.: Spazio tempo piatto. Space flat time
gred.: I look for a center of permanent gravity
gred.: Climatic changes
gred.: Clime changing at Siena
gred.: La ricerca dell'impossibile. The search of the impossible one
gred.: If this is a man
gred.: Mother heart
gred.: Dove è finita la savana? .Were is the savanna?
gred.: There is a tree and a cat inside of me
gred.: When you have no place to go search for a tree
gred.: Hands on life
gred.: Mother earth asks help
gred.: Oxygen for the mind
gred.: Vanilla sky
gred.: Surreal val d'Orcia
gred.: Parallelismi
gred.: Castelluccio slow life
gred.: Orizzonti burrascosi. Stormy horizons
gred.: Life is short
gred.: Accumulation is the true original sin
gred.: A spasso tra i monti. Among the mountains
gred.: donna di cuori
gred.: Dominant (sub)culture
gred.: Lavorare stanca.To work tired
gred.: And it immediately is evening
gred.: The impossible dream
gred.: Kramer contro Kramer