philcooky: The finish of the 5.25 race today at Wetherby, West Yorkshire.
philcooky: Heading down to the start for today's last race at Ripon.
philcooky: Flat racing at Wetherby in West Yorkshire.
philcooky: P1230386 (2)
philcooky: P1230397 (2)
philcooky: P1230394 (2)
philcooky: P1260723 (2)
philcooky: Family day at York races in North Yorkshire,This is the start of the 2 mile race.
philcooky: Franny Norton getting ready for the last race at Catterick yesterday.
philcooky: Christmas Night gets up close home to beat Suitcase'n'Taxi in the 5.20 race at Catterick yesterday.
philcooky: P1440616 (2)
philcooky: P1510807 (2)