Akshay Srikar: Abandoned TVS
Akshay Srikar: Let the Ashes fall where they may
Akshay Srikar: Beach Boys
Akshay Srikar: The lady of the flowers.
Akshay Srikar: My door is always open.
Akshay Srikar: As the wheel turns, my mind runs.
Akshay Srikar: I will always stay ahead of my shadow
Akshay Srikar: Hanging by the tree
Akshay Srikar: Yo! What up dog!!
Akshay Srikar: Open up. #blackandwhite, #valve, #open, #openness, #iPhone, #iPhonography
Akshay Srikar: Have I done what i should have, in this long travel of life?
Akshay Srikar: Sometimes, it is the sun that creates the shade, and usually, the hope too.
Akshay Srikar: I'll wait outside the gates, one-day the doors shall open and my flowers shall have their place
Akshay Srikar: Open your eyes, to where the darkness lies, it usually has more to show, than you realize
Akshay Srikar: There is my light, come let us walk in to it.
Akshay Srikar: My life does not depend on what you give. But give anyways, your smile. For mine has been taken away from me.
Akshay Srikar: I will never age. I will never stop smiling. I will always be waiting, for who those seek me.
Akshay Srikar: Best days are long gone
Akshay Srikar: My life is balanced. I don't seek the extraordinary nor do I slip in to the gutter. To be in the middle is simply better.
Akshay Srikar: Portals through the walk of time, will reveal that we all belong to the light. The light above and the within.
Akshay Srikar: Why wait, when the world awaits. Get up and take your step. Even your shadow will follow you.
Akshay Srikar: I'm not going to wait for sign. I know I just have to take one white step at a time.
Akshay Srikar: Why do you take a pic of me? Do I look I am gonna cry?
Akshay Srikar: There is a mounatian beyond this mist. My time to belong there is not too far. Because now i know, where I have to go back to.
Akshay Srikar: What's the point in waiting, when life's passing. It's right here.
Akshay Srikar: In a train of thoughts, my time was lost. When I looked back to see, I found no one waiting for me.
Akshay Srikar: What has blood got to do with love? Under the sun we are all just one.
Akshay Srikar: Who's the black dog?
Akshay Srikar: They have no leaves to claim for, yet under the big blue sky they stand tall.
Akshay Srikar: There there where the light does not fall, life still exist.