cosimo M: oval bokeh anamorphic defocus test with phone Oneplus 8 pro using Motioncam pro
cosimo M: oval bokeh anamorphic defocus test with phone Oneplus 8 pro using Motioncam pro
cosimo M: oval bokeh anamorphic defocus test with phone Oneplus 8 pro using Motioncam pro
cosimo M: oval bokeh anamorphic defocus test with phone Oneplus 8 pro using Motioncam pro
cosimo M: oval bokeh anamorphic defocus test with phone Oneplus 8 pro using Motioncam pro
cosimo M: oneplus 8 pro with motion cam pro
cosimo M: Oneplus 8 pro with motion cam pro
cosimo M: Oneplus 8 pro with motioncam pro.jpg
cosimo M: Oneplus 8 pro with motioncam
cosimo M: Oneplus 8 pro + motioncam raw flare test with a real custom anamorphic 1.6x
cosimo M: baby hypergonar with Oneplus 8 pro motioncam raw
cosimo M: baby hypergonar on full frame
cosimo M: Anamorphic medium format
cosimo M: custom Anamorphic 1.6x with 50mm f1.4
cosimo M: custom anamorphic 1.6x
cosimo M: custom anamorphic 1.6x
cosimo M: Zeiss ikon 22/1.5X anamorphot with helios on5D3
cosimo M: 1.75X Anamorphic hybrid 35Nap cut front glass with moller 46 rear glass
cosimo M: HI FI 2 Cut front with rectimascop 48 rear glass
cosimo M: HI FI 2 cut on front with RECTIMASCOP 48 REAR
cosimo M: Moller 32 front optic with iscomorphot 16 rear optic, taking lens Cyclop 85
cosimo M: Moller 32 front optic with iscomorphot 16 rear optic, taking lens Cyclop 85
cosimo M: Moller 32 front optic with iscomorphot 16 rear optic, taking lens Cyclop 85
cosimo M: Moller 32 front optic with iscomorphot 16 rear optic, taking lens Cyclop 85
cosimo M: moller 32 front iscomorphot rear optic
cosimo M: rectimascop 48 front moller 46 rear
cosimo M: rectimascop 48 front moller 46 rear
cosimo M: heliomorphic with lomo 75
cosimo M: heliomorphic lomo 75
cosimo M: quadramorphic 1.75X