Pino Respiro67: In the Air
Pino Respiro67: In the Air
Pino Respiro67: Street portraits
Pino Respiro67: In the air
Pino Respiro67: Fashion victim
Pino Respiro67: Stetson Store
Pino Respiro67: Lost in the city
Pino Respiro67: Mausolée de Maurice de Saxe par Jean Baptiste Pigalle. Église Saint Thomas Strasbourg
Pino Respiro67: Église Saint Thomas Strasbourg
Pino Respiro67: Quelle audace !
Pino Respiro67: Embouteillage...traffic
Pino Respiro67: breaking news
Pino Respiro67: Dialogue de sourd
Pino Respiro67: Coup de chaleur sur Notre Dame de Strasbourg
Pino Respiro67: Culture...
Pino Respiro67: Dress code
Pino Respiro67: Strasbourg...les grilles de la Cour Sud Palais des Rohan