Swijak: Just for kicks 3
Swijak: Just for kicks
Swijak: "Careful Benny!! I don't think those are flowers!"
Swijak: The Martians capture Benny!
Swijak: Life Is
Swijak: wall-e and eve
Swijak: TV and Film bots. Sort of...
Swijak: Two new Eye-borgs
Swijak: Watch your step!
Swijak: DSCF4921
Swijak: Ready to flip the switch
Swijak: These Eye-borgs need glasses...
Swijak: LIttle B9 and friends
Swijak: Gort
Swijak: Klaatu and Gort
Swijak: Reto 'bot
Swijak: robot retro2.lxf
Swijak: robot retro2b
Swijak: robot film1.lxf
Swijak: Minifig Gort (and Klaatu).
Swijak: Take us to your leader
Swijak: DSCF4831
Swijak: Retro-bot
Swijak: Where's the kaboom?
Swijak: collection of blue 'bots
Swijak: Fire bots
Swijak: Jaxbot Prototype 3
Swijak: Large Fire bot 2
Swijak: Retro Bot2
Swijak: Jaxbot prototype 2