Swijak: The Martians capture Benny!
Swijak: Life Is
Swijak: wall-e and eve
Swijak: TV and Film bots. Sort of...
Swijak: "Careful Benny!! I don't think those are flowers!"
Swijak: Klaatu and Gort
Swijak: LIttle B9 and friends
Swijak: Gort
Swijak: robot film1.lxf
Swijak: Minifig Gort (and Klaatu).
Swijak: Little Wall-e, Trudy, Eve, and Mini Wall-e
Swijak: Little Wall-e and Trud-e
Swijak: Tirbute to Robert Kinoshita
Swijak: Robot B9 Larger size
Swijak: Mini Wall-e and Eve
Swijak: Wall-e
Swijak: Mini Wall-e and Eve
Swijak: Getting old is hard
Swijak: Reto 'bot
Swijak: Retro-bot
Swijak: DSCF4831
Swijak: Retro Bot2
Swijak: Retro Bot2
Swijak: robot robbie.a
Swijak: Dalek spaceship
Swijak: Dalek concepts
Swijak: Robot B9 3.0
Swijak: B9 Robot madness
Swijak: Roger, Keith and Cisco.
Swijak: I think the two smaller ones used to be roadies for The Who.