RBPhotography_6259: Attean Landing
RBPhotography_6259: Action Red
RBPhotography_6259: Moosehead Gold
RBPhotography_6259: Greenville With A View
RBPhotography_6259: Pat's Bridge
RBPhotography_6259: CP 250 east at Drop In
RBPhotography_6259: Vantage Points
RBPhotography_6259: CP 250 at Drop In, ME
RBPhotography_6259: CP 250 at Long Pond, ME
RBPhotography_6259: 250 at "The New Tarratine"
RBPhotography_6259: Winter on the Moosehead Sub
RBPhotography_6259: Head On at Pat McKenney
RBPhotography_6259: CP 6018 East
RBPhotography_6259: What You Came Here For
RBPhotography_6259: Banks of the East Outlet
RBPhotography_6259: CP 250 at Greenville Jct, ME
RBPhotography_6259: The Shot at Long Pond
RBPhotography_6259: Another Look from Tarratine
RBPhotography_6259: Greenville Jct
RBPhotography_6259: Rail Extra
RBPhotography_6259: The Other Side of the Trestle
RBPhotography_6259: Jackman Yard
RBPhotography_6259: CP 142 at Drop In
RBPhotography_6259: CP 142 at Drop In ver. 2
RBPhotography_6259: Comin' Up Around The Bend
RBPhotography_6259: Moosehead Shore
RBPhotography_6259: Takes Two to Tango