needlerest: Baron
needlerest: Stan & his ted-ted
needlerest: Baron & Conor
needlerest: Baron lapdog
needlerest: Conor flat dog
needlerest: Shannon
needlerest: Stan, Baron & Conor
needlerest: tracy
needlerest: Vulcan
needlerest: Vulcan & Conor
needlerest: Vulcan close-up
needlerest: barking tree bowl
needlerest: barking tree bowl - back
needlerest: shannon o'reilly necklace
needlerest: Dewey 2010 haul
needlerest: sarah snavely pendant
needlerest: sand on mah belleh
needlerest: why the long face
needlerest: Dewey hangover
needlerest: look to the right
needlerest: look to the left
needlerest: sunrise
needlerest: MVI_1012
needlerest: MVI_1013
needlerest: MVI_1004
needlerest: where's da water
needlerest: sand is so tedious
needlerest: stanley's pool walking