Bob Zyrunkl: Looking out from the cage
Bob Zyrunkl: Children being shown a frame of bees
Bob Zyrunkl: Where is the queen?
Bob Zyrunkl: Looking into the demonstration cage
Bob Zyrunkl: How to remove a sting! - scrape it out with a finger nail
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020568
Bob Zyrunkl: Beekeeping education - starting early!
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020564
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020561
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020558
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020557
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020556
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020555
Bob Zyrunkl: Honeybee swarm on broad bean plant
Bob Zyrunkl: Harewood apiary #1
Bob Zyrunkl: Hiving a swarm
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020529
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020542
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020524
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020532
Bob Zyrunkl: P1020538
Bob Zyrunkl: Swarm #1
Bob Zyrunkl: Can you see the Queen?
Bob Zyrunkl: signswarm
Bob Zyrunkl: Harewood Observation Hive
Bob Zyrunkl: Swarm in skep.
Bob Zyrunkl: Capturing a swarm of bees.003_0