Bob Zyrunkl: P1000792
Bob Zyrunkl: Central Park rocks
Bob Zyrunkl: Buster swimming
Bob Zyrunkl: House in Jerusalem
Bob Zyrunkl: Action stations
Bob Zyrunkl: Pirates of New York?
Bob Zyrunkl: Empire State night shot 1
Bob Zyrunkl: Baltimore reflection
Bob Zyrunkl: Brooklyn Bridge
Bob Zyrunkl: Museum of Modern Art New York
Bob Zyrunkl: Strange squashes
Bob Zyrunkl: Curious squashes
Bob Zyrunkl: Amorous squashes?
Bob Zyrunkl: Blue squashes
Bob Zyrunkl: Misty morning on Deep Creek, Maryland
Bob Zyrunkl: A cabin by the shore
Bob Zyrunkl: Catch a falling cloud.........