ru depathurlo: L1003926
ru depathurlo: 6nnAAS (29)
ru depathurlo: 334VVt (92)
Patricia em Fotos: João-Bobo
Patricia em Fotos: Gruta da Lapinha
alainravellechapuis: Look at me ! Phalacrocorax carbo
alainravellechapuis: In full flight 2! Egretta garzetta
Carsten Bahnsen: Leuchtturm von Helgoland / Helgoland lighthouse
Carsten Bahnsen: Landungsbrücke Helgoland
Carsten Bahnsen: Kohlmeise / Great tit (Parus major)
Carsten Bahnsen: Rotkehlchen / Robin (Erithacus rubecula)
~1974~: Close-up fire burns in the hearth.
~1974~: 05.07.2024
CloR13: Lumière sur les Alpilles
Christian Régnier: Un autre coté du bouquet.
Christian Régnier: C'était l'été.
alans220: Sligachan Old Bridge
alans220: Fairy Bridge of Glen Creran
alans220: Ballachulish Harbour
alans220: Abandoned
alans220: Castle Stalker
steve.sargeant: Max-Cook-0724-_1
jano45: New Year, new snow, new hopes...
jano45: New Year, new snow, new hopes...
jano45: New Year, new snow, new hopes...
wilson hughes: Gray squirrel.
wilson hughes: Sunset tonight.
TVW47: Giesel Library
TVW47: Sea Star