sumilex77: Beware! This guy is a real snake!! (Green Tree Python)
sumilex77: Atlantic Sea Nettle
sumilex77: Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams...
sumilex77: Garden Party
sumilex77: Fiery Skipper on Ironweed
sumilex77: Pearl Crescent Butterfly on Butterfly Milkweed
sumilex77: Wait! Take me with you!!
sumilex77: African Gray Parrot (Psittacus erithacus) National Aviary
sumilex77: Steller's Sea Eagle (Haliaeetus pelagicus) National Aviary
sumilex77: Yellow Skipper, please reduce speed and come in for a landing on Aster 3
sumilex77: There’s something in the way she mooos...
sumilex77: Sisters
sumilex77: All tuckered out...
sumilex77: Tell me your story... I goat time
sumilex77: Moonshine
sumilex77: Hurkey the Turkey
sumilex77: Marmoset
sumilex77: Can I have one? Please!
sumilex77: Best Hairdo in Town
sumilex77: Barnyard Bevy
sumilex77: The Eye of the Tiger
sumilex77: Bird is the Word
sumilex77: Why hello!
sumilex77: Silvery Checkerspot Butterfly