roberta.tolve: Here comes the sun
roberta.tolve: Oh, I’m still missing my other half (L.R.)
roberta.tolve: Just take a look in the fog and know
roberta.tolve: Misty morning in Verona
roberta.tolve: Rimorso per quel che m' hai dato, che è quasi ricordo, e in odor di passato... #bologna
roberta.tolve: heart on the ground
roberta.tolve: Attacco massivo
roberta.tolve: Bloody clouds
roberta.tolve: In the traffic
roberta.tolve: River on canvas
roberta.tolve: Mantova- Basilica di Sant’Andrea
roberta.tolve: with feet rooted into the clouds
roberta.tolve: Il mondo sarà buono
roberta.tolve: Di-wine paths
roberta.tolve: Potzen bridge
roberta.tolve: Every breaking wave on the shore tells the next one "there'll be one more"
roberta.tolve: “All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain”
roberta.tolve: Mi auguro sogni a non finire e la voglia furiosa di realizzarne qualcuno (J.B.)
roberta.tolve: #sirmione
roberta.tolve: #breathless
roberta.tolve: Castel San Pietro, Verona
roberta.tolve: Sunset time