transvox: My first sad attempt at bird photography with the X-H1
transvox: My first bird in flight
transvox: The bird and the bumblebee
transvox: Cukoo chick pays us a visit
transvox: Chaffinch in Hawthorn
transvox: Pied Wagtail snapped through a dirty windsreen
transvox: Redstart nesting in the small barn
transvox: Redstart watching me
transvox: Alone again....... naturally
transvox: Peeking out of the rose bush
transvox: Young chaffinches exploring their new world
transvox: I said stop singing and feed me
transvox: Young Robin on the gatepost
transvox: Cuckoo chick in flight
transvox: Young Robin growing up fast
transvox: Young Pied Wagtail just out of the nest
transvox: Young Blackbird being very still
transvox: Young Blackbird on Piggery Wall
transvox: Young bird at my window
transvox: Rear window encounter(Willow Warbler)
transvox: Displaying rear and front
transvox: Rainsoaked Blue Tit
transvox: Young Robin molting
transvox: Sun, Sand and Seagull
transvox: Loud Wren outside my bathroom window
transvox: Wounded Creature
transvox: Sea fishing on the wing
transvox: Dau gariad ar y llyn (Two lovers on the lake)
transvox: Buzard on the Apple tree
transvox: A slghtly better picture of the Buzzard