transvox: Walking down to Chatsworth
transvox: First sight of Edensor
transvox: Looking down the main street.
transvox: Picnics by the river
transvox: Dovedale
transvox: The Troglydites return to Dovedale
transvox: Stepping stones across the river at Dovedale
transvox: Monolith
transvox: Leaving Dovedale and heading for Ilam
transvox: The way into Ilam Hall (Ilam is prononced "eye-lamb")
transvox: Arriving at Ilam hall late in the day
transvox: The Italianate gardens at Ilam Hall
transvox: The Gardens from another angle
transvox: The old Church
transvox: The church seen from Ilam Hall
transvox: Inside the church looking towards the pulpit
transvox: Saint Bertrams Chapel, Holy Cross Church, Ilam.
transvox: A peaceful evening in Dovedale