Jim J, Thank you for 3.4 million Views.: Carolina Chickadee, Sand Springs, Oklahoma.
shy_and_beauty: New Year's Eve in Rome :-) Happy New Year!
Onesharp: Disappeared Completely
kimwilliams86: 454948365_10160217898738201_914382506460534946_n
Mike Thornton 15: The Ghost Mantis 1733
Henry Lowth: Paper Kite - Stratford Butterfly Farm
Catimini79: Magic hats
lucian_nicu: Sunrise Tyulenovo
kimwilliams86: 455041905_10160223881518201_4347878215952839735_n
khalid almasoud: The moment before Sunrise
jarratosh: Storm Darragh - Roker Pier
Bernie Condon: Typhoon
Bernie Condon: Typhoon
Trevor Dobson: Milky Way & Comet A3 at Sugarloaf Rock, Western Australia
isabel padilla navas: Libellula depressa
Zara Calista: Anna's Hummingbird
qjyingling: Jordan Pond
g.cordel: Mélitée orangée
@5imonapol: santa lucia, bertagnì
danrobjo: Trichia sp
Andrew Hocking Photography: S T O R M - G E R R I T - I I I
---ZaBBeY---: Remote Coast Sunset
Francinen89: DSC_2617
Marcus Hellwig: Dickkopffalter#3
Marcus Hellwig: Großes Ochsenauge#8