Susan Kitchell: Cleansed. Après la pluie.
Susan Kitchell: First Sunday Glove day lily of the year. Hemerocallis.
Susan Kitchell: Summer time. La première pivoine de l'été.
Susan Kitchell: Still unfolding. Vois, les fleurs ont recommencé.
Susan Kitchell: Last daylily of the season. Mon hémérocalle préférée.
Susan Kitchell: Summer reflections. Au bord du lac Simcoe .
Susan Kitchell: Let's go fishing. Par la côte de Georgina.
Susan Kitchell: Colour Purple. Les orchidées et chrysanthèmes.
Susan Kitchell: Unfolding softly.
Susan Kitchell: After the rain. La première hémérocalle de l'été .
Susan Kitchell: Morning summer rain. Les feuilles vertes de l'hosta.
Susan Kitchell: Rhythmic, Rythmique.
Susan Kitchell: Quiet reflections. Une soirée d'été tranquille.
Susan Kitchell: Into her intricate heart.
Susan Kitchell: First peony of the season. La première pivoine de mon jardin.
Susan Kitchell: From the Platinum Jubilee Celebration - God Save the Queen.
Susan Kitchell: Lilac time, summer time. La Beauté de l'été.
Susan Kitchell: Le vent se lève. See the wind - To All the Fathers and Grandfathers who help their young to see the wonders in the ordinary, a Happy Father's Day.
Susan Kitchell: Sunset by the pond. Au bord de l'étang
Susan Kitchell: Summer time
Susan Kitchell: Summer Rainbow, hot sushi.
Susan Kitchell: Colour Neutral. Couleur mauve.
Susan Kitchell: First of July and Summer Sky 1
Susan Kitchell: First of July and Summer Sky 2
Susan Kitchell: First of July and Summer Sky 3
Susan Kitchell: Remebering spring in summer. Wishing All my American Family and Friends all over the world a Happy July 4th.
Susan Kitchell: Glowing. Rose et vert, clair et sombre.
Susan Kitchell: Cloudy summer skies. Bleu, vert et blanc.
Susan Kitchell: Green. Lilies in waiting. Dans votre attente.
Susan Kitchell: Remembering the peonies.