Susan Kitchell: Daffodils
Susan Kitchell: With hope of spring. Prendre le temps de respirer.
Susan Kitchell: Rhapsody of Spring. With sincere appreciation to all the nurses, doctors, pharmacists, lab-technicians, drivers, supermarket cashiers and shelf-restockers, janitors, police, couriers, letter carriers and so many heroes unsung who will help us through.
Susan Kitchell: Black and White. N&B.
Susan Kitchell: Dreaming of return of spring
Susan Kitchell: Forget me not, daffodil. Une jonquille.
Susan Kitchell: Spring time. Le printemps arrive!
Susan Kitchell: Simple things. La simplicité.
Susan Kitchell: Waiting. Le jour s'achève.
Susan Kitchell: Unfolding. Une tulipe solitaire au printemps.
Susan Kitchell: Two by two, tête-à-tête.
Susan Kitchell: Cherry blossoms. Fleurs de cerisier.
Susan Kitchell: Magnolia. La beauté éphémère.
Susan Kitchell: Lean on me.
Susan Kitchell: Daffodils bowing out.....
Susan Kitchell: Lilacs in waiting. Les lilas après la pluie.
Susan Kitchell: The last tulips of spring.
Susan Kitchell: Beautiful tulips. Après l'averse…
Susan Kitchell: May be tomorrow? Le printemps.
Susan Kitchell: Coming Home
Susan Kitchell: Till we return.... Le printemps.
Susan Kitchell: Must stay hopeful. Espérons.
Susan Kitchell: The daffodils, spring has sprung. Les jonquilles..
Susan Kitchell: A cloudy spring... Un rajeunissement ?
Susan Kitchell: Unfolding... La première tulipe du printemps.
Susan Kitchell: Magnolia after the storm. La ténacité .
Susan Kitchell: A quiet afternoon by Lake Simcoe. Un après-midi au bord du lac Simcoe.
Susan Kitchell: Leaving Leuty
Susan Kitchell: Happy Easter My Friends. Joyeuses pâques mes amis.
Susan Kitchell: Spring returns - Traffic jam on Easter Sunday in Unionville.