Susan Kitchell: First snow on Japanese yew berries 1. Grâce à lui.
Susan Kitchell: It’s official
Susan Kitchell: Cool reflections. Reflets de l’hiver.
Susan Kitchell: First snow on Japanese yew berries 2. Grâce à lui.
Susan Kitchell: Towards the winter sky
Susan Kitchell: Land of the Silver Birch....
Susan Kitchell: Through the woods. "Ce bien-être que nous cherchons, il nous est donné par la beauté du monde." Jacques Perrin.
Susan Kitchell: Shadows and light in sunset
Susan Kitchell: Rocks and pebbles on snow
Susan Kitchell: Catching the fog B&W
Susan Kitchell: Backyard in snow. Winter returns to Toronto.
Susan Kitchell: The winter sky 2. B&W
Susan Kitchell: Backyard in snow..
Susan Kitchell: Room with a view (of winter)
Susan Kitchell: Snow and fog, le brouillard et la neige.
Susan Kitchell: Countdown to Christmas
Susan Kitchell: Entrance to the Toronto Christmas Market at the Distillery District
Susan Kitchell: All dressed up for Christmas, l’esprit de Noel.
Susan Kitchell: Take me home for the hearth.
Susan Kitchell: Let there be Light. Le chemin éclairé.
Susan Kitchell: Chocolate anyone? Deux chocolats, s'il vous plait.
Susan Kitchell: And then there are Lights. Les lumières.
Susan Kitchell: Fruitfulness on a Japanese Yew
Susan Kitchell: Where do we go from here? Écoute le vent.
Susan Kitchell: Bare strength. Le coucher de soleil.
Susan Kitchell: All is calm, all is bright...
Susan Kitchell: Good enough for Christmas?
Susan Kitchell: Someone’s Birthday
Susan Kitchell: Lumière de Noël. Alluring lights of Christmas.