Susan Kitchell: Dreaming of summer. Un rêve de fleurs d'été.
Susan Kitchell: Les reflets d'hiver, Winter reflections
Susan Kitchell: A quiet path, un chemin tranquille.
Susan Kitchell: The Hungarian Parliament, yet another night view.
Susan Kitchell: Blue plumbago grâce à lui. Plumbago (plumbago auriculata)
Susan Kitchell: Moonlit Hong Kong Harbour in Autumn.
Susan Kitchell: Diagonally, an exercise on lines.
Susan Kitchell: Summer returns to my backyard. L'été, chez nous.
Susan Kitchell: Sydney harbour sunset. Coucher de soleil.
Susan Kitchell: A touch of colour in winter. Rouge, blanche et verte.
Susan Kitchell: Maybe tomorrow. à demain.
Susan Kitchell: The heart of the matter. Dans mon cœur.
Susan Kitchell: Silhouettes
Susan Kitchell: Pink and purple.
Susan Kitchell: Monarch Butterfly on Butterfly bush
Susan Kitchell: Memories of summer
Susan Kitchell: To Autumn
Susan Kitchell: Softly the evening light.... Ombres et lumière
Susan Kitchell: Autumn colours. Les couleurs de l’automne.
Susan Kitchell: Up a Winding Stair
Susan Kitchell: Curves, Shapes, and shadows. Coucher de soleil sur un pont.
Susan Kitchell: Leading lines of winter. Coucher de soleil.
Susan Kitchell: Quietly comes the dawn. En attendant le lever du soleil.
Susan Kitchell: With hope of spring. Prendre le temps de respirer.
Susan Kitchell: Lockdown, for now. Explored
Susan Kitchell: Lean on me.
Susan Kitchell: Curves and Light
Susan Kitchell: Dreaming of Spring.. Le rêve du printemps.