Susan Kitchell: Speria, an attempt at bokeh.
Susan Kitchell: Golden azaleas, azalées dorées.
Susan Kitchell: Shasta daisy. white and gold, le couer d'or
Susan Kitchell: Hydrangea, bokeh
Susan Kitchell: Fragilité, floating in the wind
Susan Kitchell: A white peony in my backyard. Une pivoine blanche dans mon jardin.
Susan Kitchell: bleeding hearts
Susan Kitchell: Cherry blossoms with young leaves
Susan Kitchell: Glowing magnolia
Susan Kitchell: Azalea in winter, macro.
Susan Kitchell: RX10M4 orchid 3
Susan Kitchell: RX10M4 orchids V
Susan Kitchell: RX10M4 orchid2
Susan Kitchell: RX10M4 orchid1
Susan Kitchell: Mauve hydrangea
Susan Kitchell: Pink and blue, geranium macro bokeh?
Susan Kitchell: Daisies, golden heart, couer d'or
Susan Kitchell: Hydrangea at nightfall.
Susan Kitchell: Pink hydrangea, hortensia rose.
Susan Kitchell: A first Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Sunday Gloves') Tellement belle aujourd'hui. Mais demain?
Susan Kitchell: Softness after the rain. Un peu de douceur.
Susan Kitchell: Après la tempête. Cleansing.
Susan Kitchell: Le coeur d'une rose. The heart of a fading rose.
Susan Kitchell: Room with a view (of winter)
Susan Kitchell: Blue plumbago grâce à lui. Plumbago (plumbago auriculata)
Susan Kitchell: Un dernier rêve d'Hémérocalles. Heart of the last of Sunday Gloves, for now.
Susan Kitchell: l'échinacée, a dreamy coneflower.
Susan Kitchell: Three eyes and a dot
Susan Kitchell: Dreaming of summer. Un rêve de fleurs d'été.
Susan Kitchell: Mushrooms