eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: The beach
eva.fe: Might go for a walk there tomorrow.
eva.fe: Another hiking trail
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: The beach
eva.fe: North Sea Aquarium
eva.fe: North Sea
eva.fe: Little island train
eva.fe: Saltwater lake
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: Another hiking trail
eva.fe: I rented a Strandkorb
eva.fe: The other end of the island!
eva.fe: Fence made of whale bones
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: Saltwater lake
eva.fe: Baked potato with shrimps. Not sure what the green stuff was, but it tasted good.
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes
eva.fe: Another hiking trail
eva.fe: North Sea Aquarium
eva.fe: Oysters
eva.fe: Here I could go to the nudist beach if I wanted
eva.fe: Stormy morning
eva.fe: Pumpkin soup with shrimps
eva.fe: North Sea Aquarium
eva.fe: North Sea
eva.fe: Stormy morning
eva.fe: Hiking trail through the dunes