Julie McLennan: Royal Spoonbill at Phillip Island today
Julie McLennan: Masked Lapwing at sunset
Julie McLennan: Above Surf Beach at sunset
Julie McLennan: Cape Barren Goose
Julie McLennan: Phillip Island
Julie McLennan: Black-faced Cormorant
Julie McLennan: Greater Crested Terns
Julie McLennan: Silver Gulls at Phillip Island today
Julie McLennan: Blue Ringtail
Julie McLennan: White-fronted Chat (first for me)
Julie McLennan: Hooded Plover at Cape Woolamai, first time seen for me
Julie McLennan: Cape Barren Goose
Julie McLennan: Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo male yesterday evening
Julie McLennan: Grey Fantail with dinner
Julie McLennan: Musk Duck attracting the ladies
Julie McLennan: Royal Spoonbill foreground, Australian Shelduck background
Julie McLennan: Common Brown
Julie McLennan: Swamp Wallaby near Pyramid Rock
Julie McLennan: Silver Gull chicks
Julie McLennan: Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
Julie McLennan: Fan-tailed Cuckoo