csj9999999: Swallow at sunset in the marsh
csj9999999: P1060228
csj9999999: P1060220
csj9999999: House Wren
csj9999999: Purple Martin
csj9999999: Female Purple Martin
csj9999999: Cliff Swallow
csj9999999: Purple Martin
csj9999999: Baby Geese have big feet
csj9999999: Lady Rose-breasted Grosbeak
csj9999999: Ovenbird
csj9999999: Black-and-white Warbler
csj9999999: Bay-breasted Warbler
csj9999999: Black-throated Blue Warbler
csj9999999: Black-throated Green Warbler
csj9999999: Chestnut-sided Warbler
csj9999999: Rose-breasted Grosbeak
csj9999999: Black-capped Chickadee
csj9999999: American Redstart
csj9999999: Scarlet Tanager
csj9999999: Red-eyed Vireo
csj9999999: Blue Jay
csj9999999: IMG_5058
csj9999999: IMG_5046
csj9999999: IMG_5031
csj9999999: IMG_5017
csj9999999: IMG_5014
csj9999999: IMG_5007
csj9999999: IMG_3292
csj9999999: Cedar Waxwing