csj9999999: IMG_3713
csj9999999: Eastern Bluebird with no intention of fishing
csj9999999: Rusty Blackbird
csj9999999: Eastern Bluebird
csj9999999: Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
csj9999999: Brown-headed Nuthatch
csj9999999: Nutria
csj9999999: Red-shouldered Hawk stomping for food
csj9999999: White-eyed Vireo
csj9999999: IMG_3716
csj9999999: Downtown Savannah
csj9999999: IMG_3465
csj9999999: IMG_3461 (2)
csj9999999: IMG_3453
csj9999999: White-breasted Nuthatch
csj9999999: Yellow-throated Warbler
csj9999999: Red-bellied Woodpecker
csj9999999: Carolina Chickadee
csj9999999: Red-headed Woodpecker
csj9999999: Red-headed Woodpecker
csj9999999: Brown Thrasher
csj9999999: White-throated Sparrow
csj9999999: Tufted Titmouse
csj9999999: Hermit Thrush
csj9999999: GA sunrise
csj9999999: Wood Thrush
csj9999999: Summer Tanager
csj9999999: Brown-headed Nuthatch
csj9999999: Tennessee Warbler
csj9999999: White-eyed Vireo