matthamer2: hemipteran
matthamer2: Yellow crazy ants (Anoplolepis gracilipes)
matthamer2: Unident Isopod
matthamer2: Rhene cf. flavicomans
matthamer2: Rhene cf. flavicomans
matthamer2: Cantao ocellatus
matthamer2: Yellow crazy ants
matthamer2: Unident Coccinellidae
matthamer2: catsnake
matthamer2: Brown tree frog
matthamer2: painted
matthamer2: frog (yet to be IDed)
matthamer2: Brown tree frog
matthamer2: hemipteran
matthamer2: Tenebrionidae
matthamer2: Lantern bug (Pyrops sp.)
matthamer2: Pyrocoelia sp? (Lampyridae)
matthamer2: Pyrocoelia sp? (Lampyridae)
matthamer2: Dragonfly composite
matthamer2: Sceliphron sp. (Sphecidae; Sceliphrini)
matthamer2: unident crabronidae
matthamer2: Chinese Gecko (Gekko chinensis 壁虎)
matthamer2: Chinese Gecko (Gekko chinensis 壁虎)
matthamer2: Chinese Gecko (Gekko chinensis 壁虎)
matthamer2: Argiope sp
matthamer2: Argiope sp
matthamer2: Oecophylla smaragdina
matthamer2: Anochetus risii
matthamer2: Anochetus resii