Traci Gaukel: I love to place my face up to the glass
Traci Gaukel: Running away from Mom
Traci Gaukel: Cat behind the door
Traci Gaukel: The Animal Cage where I get my finger pinched
Traci Gaukel: A Desk but no mouse to take apart
Traci Gaukel: Reading,the sign
Traci Gaukel: So Many things to see
Traci Gaukel: Andrew pets George and runs
Traci Gaukel: Looking inside the mailboxes
Traci Gaukel: Tired ride Home
Traci Gaukel: Andrew and Curious George
Traci Gaukel: CIMG0290
Traci Gaukel: Hi Mom
Traci Gaukel: CIMG0288
Traci Gaukel: Steps of Sesame Street
Traci Gaukel: CIMG0286
Traci Gaukel: CIMG0285
Traci Gaukel: Let Me In
Traci Gaukel: Big Bird's Nest
Traci Gaukel: Hi Big Bird
Traci Gaukel: Look it Me and Elmo on TV
Traci Gaukel: There someone in the elevator
Traci Gaukel: George and the firemen
Traci Gaukel: Look All of those toys I Can't touch
Traci Gaukel: There's George