Bohemian Square:
About to do some stargazing at the Fox prior to seeing “Dear Evan Hansen”.
Bohemian Square:
From looking up at the Fox to looking down at Tallulah Gorge State Park.
Bohemian Square:
Are these rhododendrons? I think they are but I’m not good with flowers. They’re pretty whatever they are, and they were at Tallulah Gorge.
Bohemian Square:
Walking along the Tennessee Rock Trail at Black Rock Mountain State Park.
Bohemian Square:
Tennessee Rock lookout at Black Rock Mountain SP.
Bohemian Square:
Black Rock Lake.
Bohemian Square:
I’m no food photographer but trust me this if taste was sight this wild mushroom pasta from Fortify Pi would be the best picture you’d ever seen.
Bohemian Square:
I think if I tried to add a filter to this my phone would explode - hard to believe this was real life! At Moccasin Creek State Park.
Bohemian Square:
Footbridge Crossing Moccasin Creek.
Bohemian Square:
Hemlock Falls at Moccasin Creek SP.
Bohemian Square:
At the summit of the Summit Trail at Brasstown Bald.
Bohemian Square:
Northern panorama from the Brasstown Bald lookout.
Bohemian Square:
Entering my family’s land area.
Bohemian Square:
The drive to our camp.
Bohemian Square:
As the sunset is beginning.
Bohemian Square:
This morning’s sunrise.
Bohemian Square:
Wild honeysuckles at the entrance to Vogel State Park.
Bohemian Square:
The view of Vogel’s Lake Trahlyta from the Bear Hair Gap Trail.
Bohemian Square:
More “pretty wildflowers” at Vogel SP.
Bohemian Square:
The road to Track Rock.
Bohemian Square:
Blairsville’s Courthouse square - and this case is dismissed!