Kev Harris101: We're close, it's still Luke warm!
Kev Harris101: A toast! To the empire!
Kev Harris101: Remember Luke, what happens on Hoth, stays on Hoth!
Kev Harris101: We're close, it's still Luke warm!
Kev Harris101: wamp 119
Kev Harris101: 2018-03-24_07-07-55
Kev Harris101: 2018-03-24_07-10-34
Kev Harris101: Are you happy now? Everybody said the speeder wouldn't work on snow but noooo you had to have a go didn't you!
Kev Harris101: We're gonna need a bigger net!
Kev Harris101: We're going on a rancour hunt!
Kev Harris101: Sit Uboo sit!
Kev Harris101: How's your Wampa..... .....Chewie!
Kev Harris101: How to keep warm on Hoth.
Kev Harris101: 2018-04-21_06-00-38
Kev Harris101: lightsabres 039
Kev Harris101: lightsabres 030
Kev Harris101: See! THIS is why you close the hatch during a snowstorm.
Kev Harris101: Yeah, that's him. He shot first!