heatgirlrvd: buck rodgers
heatgirlrvd: circle of life
heatgirlrvd: dont look at me
heatgirlrvd: feed me
heatgirlrvd: fly away
heatgirlrvd: here kitty kitty
heatgirlrvd: im not drunk
heatgirlrvd: its not my fault
heatgirlrvd: just another zebra
heatgirlrvd: kip kip
heatgirlrvd: mmmm salad
heatgirlrvd: nobody loves me
heatgirlrvd: pimpin
heatgirlrvd: posing for some dramatic effect
heatgirlrvd: she cant see me can she
heatgirlrvd: the song of life
heatgirlrvd: the world is my oyster
heatgirlrvd: tjirp tjirp
heatgirlrvd: tred softly
heatgirlrvd: vinkie
heatgirlrvd: you cant see me
heatgirlrvd: Each zebra different
heatgirlrvd: Circle of life
heatgirlrvd: Water buffalo
heatgirlrvd: Water buffalo
heatgirlrvd: Water buffalo
heatgirlrvd: Water buffalo
heatgirlrvd: White Rhino
heatgirlrvd: White Rhino