Enduro World Series Photos: 11-12 Boys, 1st Floyd GUY, 2nd Anthony SHELLY, 3rd Dylan MARINO
Enduro World Series Photos: 11-12 Girls, Lara MARKTHALER, 2nd Sierra SEMSAK, 3rd Julia LOFQVISTTRAUM
Enduro World Series Photos: 9-10 Boys, 1st Landon DE VALL, 2nd Mateo QUIST, 3rd Sean MACLEOD
Enduro World Series Photos: 7-8 Girls, 1st Teagan REE, 2nd Arleigh KEMP, 3rd Addison RUTHERFURD
Enduro World Series Photos: 9-10 Girls, 1st Molly Blair, 2nd Tayte PROULXROYDS, 3rd Katie Hooper
Enduro World Series Photos: 7-8 Boys podium, 1st Finley LLOYD, 2nd Mack MANIETTA, 3rd Riley TAYLOR
Enduro World Series Photos: Katie Hooper about to cross the finish line.
Enduro World Series Photos: Plenty of local support!
Enduro World Series Photos: Big berms nearly conceal the little riders.
Enduro World Series Photos: Mateo Quist riding Ho Chi Min with the sound of shralping rubber.
Enduro World Series Photos: Flat pedal thunder
Enduro World Series Photos: Pedal platforms nearly the same size as the shoe!
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Whistler_KidsWorx-03252
Enduro World Series Photos: Eyes on the prize.
Enduro World Series Photos: Deathgrip all the way!
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Whistler_KidsWorx-03212
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Whistler_KidsWorx-03222
Enduro World Series Photos: Second place in the 11-12 boys Anthony Shelly
Enduro World Series Photos: B-Line berm railing.
Enduro World Series Photos: All the kids raring to go on the bike park stage.
Enduro World Series Photos: Floyd Guy had the fastest time of the day.
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Whistler_KidsWorx-03166
Enduro World Series Photos: Plenty of expectant parents awaiting their child at the bottom of the stage.
Enduro World Series Photos: Two finger braking!
Enduro World Series Photos: Sweet singletrack racing.
Enduro World Series Photos: Stage 1 had some uphill sections requiring the little ones to put the power down!
Enduro World Series Photos: 7-8 boys winner Finnley Lloyd
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Whistler_KidsWorx-03106