Enduro World Series Photos: The CRC van has already had its wax and polish ahead of being stationed in the pit setup!
Enduro World Series Photos: Views that those working in the pits won't tire of!
Enduro World Series Photos: The weather has been threatening at times and the forecast is ever changing for the end of the week.
Enduro World Series Photos: Some teams have a practice days bike and race day bike running exactly the same set up, this does means a lot of bikes to prep at the start of the week!
Enduro World Series Photos: There is plenty of snow about still and the rivers are full of meltwater.
Enduro World Series Photos: More couse inspection, don't take a left turn into the mine!
Enduro World Series Photos: The mechanics set to work making sure all the bikes get a full overhaul before practice begins.
Enduro World Series Photos: Meanwhile in the pits it is the arrival of the teams and factory support. SRAM setting up under the mountains.
Enduro World Series Photos: Strimming with a view.
Enduro World Series Photos: Where will that next pole be going
Enduro World Series Photos: Some fresh cut off camber for the shared start of stages 1 and 3.
Enduro World Series Photos: Enrico Martinello and Chris Ball head about checking the course and making amendments if needs be,
Enduro World Series Photos: There are some classics hidden away, wonder if they'll see the light of day tomorrow with the arrival of the Tour De France at the nearby La Rosiere
Enduro World Series Photos: The course workers have been here since before the lifts open.