Enduro World Series Photos: That #1 plate sitting pretty.
Enduro World Series Photos: Practice buddies Mitch Ropelato were looking fast today
Enduro World Series Photos: Adrien Dailly leaves a wake of dust on his way down stage 3.
Enduro World Series Photos: The powdery dirt here keeps track of every passer by.
Enduro World Series Photos: Rhys Verner has moved up from U21 and will now be competing with the elite men.
Enduro World Series Photos: When it is fast and dusty you can always look towards Jared Graves for a result.
Enduro World Series Photos: Jesse Melamed has hopped up a wheel size this year to the 29 inch wheels.
Enduro World Series Photos: Richie Rude will be pushing to get that plate back to single digits.
Enduro World Series Photos: Ines Thoma and the Andes on stage 3.
Enduro World Series Photos: Anita Gehrig chasing down her sister and having to tolerate all the dust!
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Chile_Practice1-09305
Enduro World Series Photos: The French friends pause for a coffee and lunch between stages.
Enduro World Series Photos: Sam Hill pulling up for fun on stage 2
Enduro World Series Photos: Joe Barnes was hot on the heels of this new team-mate
Enduro World Series Photos: Florian Nicolai is looking comfortable on his new team.
Enduro World Series Photos: Rae Morrison amongst some of the rare greenery.
Enduro World Series Photos: Greg Callaghan would have started this stage all the way up at the saddle in the back of this photo.
Enduro World Series Photos: Mckay Vezina holding it wide open over the slick rocks on the mammoth stage 2
Enduro World Series Photos: New bike and new colours and same team for Martin Maes, could this be his season?
Enduro World Series Photos: Cecile is back with new kit for 2018 and she already looked up to speed.
Enduro World Series Photos: Marco Osborne demonstrates line choice to a couple of other competitors.
Enduro World Series Photos: First on the lift and ready for a day of dusty practice
Enduro World Series Photos: If you decide to go inside expect zero traction. James Hall on stage 2.
Enduro World Series Photos: We are in Chile!