Enduro World Series Photos: The challenge is... How many steps down can you land?
Enduro World Series Photos: Nothing bad to. be said about loamy fresh trails!
Enduro World Series Photos: Stage 6 is fresh cut through a nature reserve which has granted permissions for the event.
Enduro World Series Photos: los jugos de marina
Enduro World Series Photos: Nico Turner overseeing the course preview production and enjoying it by the looks of things.
Enduro World Series Photos: Fresh orange juice from the surroundings at the top of stage 6.
Enduro World Series Photos: Fresh loam at the bottom of stage 5!
Enduro World Series Photos: The top of stage 5 has an incredibly high speed tunnel section
Enduro World Series Photos: Very fast indeed.
Enduro World Series Photos: Multi tasking event management!
Enduro World Series Photos: Always multitasking.
Enduro World Series Photos: Keeping an eye on things
Enduro World Series Photos: Stage 3 opens up with a view of the city towards the bottom.
Enduro World Series Photos: The occasional river crossing today, some successful.
Enduro World Series Photos: Some not so successful..
Enduro World Series Photos: EWS18_Colombia_MediaRecce-06496
Enduro World Series Photos: Emerging out of the vegetation.
Enduro World Series Photos: Chris Ball following Ric Mclaughlin for the course preview.
Enduro World Series Photos: There are 5 of these bridges in total, they took 2 months to build!
Enduro World Series Photos: Some of the lesser complicated bridges.
Enduro World Series Photos: Trail crew hard at work patching up a bog.
Enduro World Series Photos: The Hof amongst the eucalyptus.
Enduro World Series Photos: Chris Seager popping out of the turn.
Enduro World Series Photos: Berengere Boes finds her line through some of the slick roots
Enduro World Series Photos: Louis Para found himself requiring some trackside attention after a spill on stage 2.
Enduro World Series Photos: All the stages today were a big hit with the media.
Enduro World Series Photos: Bag covers on for the journalists after some rainy outbursts
Enduro World Series Photos: Jorge, Chiguiro, welcomes the media to Manizales