Enduro World Series Photos: Matt Stuttard coming in hot to Farellones
Enduro World Series Photos: Richie isn't giving much away in practice but he's taking in all the details.
Enduro World Series Photos: Jared Graves opting to send not squash.
Enduro World Series Photos: Mark Maurissen work on Wyn's bike after a crash caused a little damage.
Enduro World Series Photos: Iago Garay opting to shower the media in dirt.
Enduro World Series Photos: Sam Hill carrying insane speed for what was such a deep powdery corner.
Enduro World Series Photos: Wallrides taped in on stage 6 provide some fun for the riders. Josh Lewis keeping things feet up with a dodgy ankle!
Enduro World Series Photos: Taking down starting numbers and making sure no details are missed.
Enduro World Series Photos: All the way up to 3618m
Enduro World Series Photos: The cloud added a little more texture to those layers today.
Enduro World Series Photos: Greg Callaghan weaving between the rocks.
Enduro World Series Photos: A solitary push to the start of the final stage.
Enduro World Series Photos: The Andes provide a truly unique backdrop to the race. Katy Winton has had a bit more dry and dusty practice than usual after an off season in New Zealand.
Enduro World Series Photos: Wyn Masters making light work of one of the more awkward but photogenic corners on the course.
Enduro World Series Photos: Despite the recent wrist injuty Remi Gauvin is here looking to limit the points damage for a long season ahead.
Enduro World Series Photos: Ed Masters misjudging the amount of traction available.
Enduro World Series Photos: Sebastian Ramirez Dupuy keeping i it wide open.
Enduro World Series Photos: Marco Osborne and Cerro El Plomo on stage 4
Enduro World Series Photos: Rae Morrison has been looking very impressive on track these past few days
Enduro World Series Photos: Singletrack and scenery
Enduro World Series Photos: Not all locals show an interest in the racing.
Enduro World Series Photos: Today was the first day we could see the city of Santiago. The winds clear some of the smog that often obscures the view.
Enduro World Series Photos: Even the man made supported corners are loose here, Ines Thoma has a good feel for the grip now after two days of practice.
Enduro World Series Photos: Anita Gehrig at the start of stage 4 with 1150m of vertical descending ahead of her.
Enduro World Series Photos: Isabeau Courdurier is on a new team for this year and has been looking good on track.
Enduro World Series Photos: Every now and then the wind would pick up and dust would fly everywhere, making conditions interesting for the riders.
Enduro World Series Photos: Cecile Ravanel is completely unphased by any rock and tech on track.
Enduro World Series Photos: Flow Espineira shows the crowd how to ride one of the chutes on stage 4.
Enduro World Series Photos: Yoann Barelli with a top enduro line.