Enduro World Series Photos: Remi Gauvin with a couple of presents for the Fox crew. It is a long evening of suspension servicing!
Enduro World Series Photos: Plenty of oil gathering in the oil pan for Jordi Cortes.
Enduro World Series Photos: Keaton Ward gives a keen eye over a wheel, not missing a detail all day in the SRAM tech pit.
Enduro World Series Photos: How you know when someone borrows a tool...
Enduro World Series Photos: Josh Carlson keeps it low at the top of stage 8.
Enduro World Series Photos: Matt Walker opting for a style over speed approach!
Enduro World Series Photos: Plenty of tyre threatening rocks here.
Enduro World Series Photos: A few stretches for Ines Thoma, someone who smiles regardless of the situation!
Enduro World Series Photos: Cecile Ravanel in full attack mode on stage 7.
Enduro World Series Photos: Isabeau Courdurier makes the tech look easy.
Enduro World Series Photos: Noga Korem in the prime dirt on stage 6.
Enduro World Series Photos: James Shirley gaps up rocks on the exposed ridge of stage 6, Olargues in prime view.
Enduro World Series Photos: Getting a lunchtime fill for Martin Maes, back at full strength for this round.
Enduro World Series Photos: Florian Nicolai has been putting on some masterclasses today in the tighter sections of the track.. Here he keeps it wide open on stage 6.
Enduro World Series Photos: Marco Osborne makes some shapes to avoid the narrow trees on this high speed section of stage 6.
Enduro World Series Photos: Richie Rude ripping the amazing dirt.
Enduro World Series Photos: Ludo May coming in hot on stage 5.
Enduro World Series Photos: Sam Hill has been enjoying the trails here in the Montagnes du Caroux
Enduro World Series Photos: Jared Gaves has been attacking the rocks on his new bike too this weekend.
Enduro World Series Photos: Jerome Clementz on the team plate riding for fun and helping new team mate Matt Simmonds get up to speed in the world of enduro.
Enduro World Series Photos: Anneke Beerten popping in colour below layers of hills
Enduro World Series Photos: Adrien Dailly floating super smooth through the rocks.
Enduro World Series Photos: Isabeau Courdurier leaning it in on stage 5.
Enduro World Series Photos: Fresh bike day for Cecile Ravanel who's riding the 29inch bike now.
Enduro World Series Photos: Stages 5 and 7 share the same start, there were plenty of people looking to make sure they get these key sections rights.
Enduro World Series Photos: Theo Galy will hopefully put on a top performance for the hometown fans this weekend.