david.hogan7: Summer remembered
david.hogan7: Beneath a winter sky
david.hogan7: Benign
david.hogan7: Tempestuous skies
david.hogan7: Forest edge
david.hogan7: Bewitching light
david.hogan7: Across the fields
david.hogan7: Beneath the canopy
david.hogan7: Summer beginnings
david.hogan7: Linear skies
david.hogan7: Painted forest
david.hogan7: Reaching for the skies
david.hogan7: Tranquility
david.hogan7: Elegant skies
david.hogan7: Elegant skies II
david.hogan7: Basking in the light
david.hogan7: summer glade
david.hogan7: the path I follow
david.hogan7: Among the ancients
david.hogan7: Summers end
david.hogan7: Veiling the light
david.hogan7: Forest moods
david.hogan7: The unorthodox view
david.hogan7: A quiet place
david.hogan7: Caressing pastel hues
david.hogan7: Weathered Edge
david.hogan7: Blue tones
david.hogan7: Beginning the day
david.hogan7: Moorland heights
david.hogan7: Moorland heights II