samanthafraser: The walkway in the day
samanthafraser: Graveyard
samanthafraser: This way ...
samanthafraser: Mm, what's for dinner?
samanthafraser: Guess he didn't survive the apocalypse
samanthafraser: Ol' Betsey
samanthafraser: Now in technicolor!
samanthafraser: It's a hard life
samanthafraser: Gone crazy
samanthafraser: Cut through this way
samanthafraser: Down into the dungeon
samanthafraser: But first, a little childs' play
samanthafraser: Ta daaaaa!
samanthafraser: Oh man. Bitch got screwed!
samanthafraser: Leg. It's what's for dinner
samanthafraser: Zombie baby says whaddup
samanthafraser: We wouldn't hurt you! Ever!
samanthafraser: Pandora gets herself stuck in the decorations.
samanthafraser: Dexter, all set up in his kill room for Halloween prom photos.