Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Tarantula hawk on a sotol yucca blossom
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Honeybees on a Parry's thistle
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Progressive bee fly
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Breakfast for the bee
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Loaded with pollen
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Last chance for nectar
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Cactus fly (Copestylum mexicanum)
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Tri-colored bumblebee (Bombus ternarius)
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Native bees on New Mexico Vervain
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Craving cosmos
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Happy honeybee
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Leaf-cutter bee
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Bumblebee bokeh
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Digger bee on lavender
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Red velvet ant
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Honeybee on Arizona sneezeweed
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Bees and wasps
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Spreading pollen
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Honeybee on globe mallow
Art-by-Bart (B.Stegman): Saguaro blossoms