wickedpen74: I guess it's official...
wickedpen74: open windows
wickedpen74: another type of dancing girl
wickedpen74: even more cat
wickedpen74: more cat
wickedpen74: old room/ guest room
wickedpen74: the view from my old bedroom window
wickedpen74: sexy leopard print bench
wickedpen74: my faux antique
wickedpen74: chair usually covered in discarded clothing
wickedpen74: bedroom with cat
wickedpen74: bathroom
wickedpen74: sink--amazingly cat free for once
wickedpen74: the long view from the bedroom
wickedpen74: where I wish I could spend more time
wickedpen74: faux fireplace=good hiding place for books
wickedpen74: my favorite chair
wickedpen74: tv that rots my brain
wickedpen74: window
wickedpen74: the mother of all corkboards
wickedpen74: collages
wickedpen74: more books
wickedpen74: tree 5
wickedpen74: tree 4
wickedpen74: tree 3
wickedpen74: tree 2