hicken999: Mt. Timpanogos from atop the Albion Basin
hicken999: Sunrise over the Wasatch
hicken999: Wild Flowers in Millcreek Canyon
hicken999: The view from Murdock Peak
hicken999: Devil's Castle in the Morning
hicken999: Eden Utah
hicken999: Twin Peaks from the valley
hicken999: The Jordan River
hicken999: Some kind of a moth
hicken999: A horse thru the leaves
hicken999: Flowers in the Garden
hicken999: Lone Peak and Mt Olympus from the foothills
hicken999: Downtown SLC
hicken999: The Utah capitol building the Great Salt Lake
hicken999: Ridgeline seperating Big and Little Cottonwood Canyon
hicken999: On the trail to Red Pine Lake
hicken999: A guinea pig eyeing the camera warily
hicken999: Mt Olympus in the Morning
hicken999: Just a flower in the garden
hicken999: A flower wilting in the July heat
hicken999: A Bee in the Forest
hicken999: Lambs Canyon
hicken999: Bridge across Jordan River
hicken999: Looking east from the Oquirrh Mountains
hicken999: Kennecott Copper Mine
hicken999: Flowers in my Mom's garden
hicken999: My niece hiking in Deer Valley. Mt Timpanogos in the Background
hicken999: Jordanelle Reservoir
hicken999: Just relaxing after a long day
hicken999: An Interesting plant I saw on my walk today