skaradogan: A la Fontaine [At the Fountain]
skaradogan: Ardith Starostka
skaradogan: Au Bord du Ruisseau [At the Edge of the Brook]
skaradogan: Calinerie [A Little Coaxing]
skaradogan: Douleur d'amour [Elegy]
skaradogan: 'Emotion, Theme and the Figure'
skaradogan: Fileuse [The Spinner]
skaradogan: Iman Maleki omens of hafez
skaradogan: Jeune Bergere [Young Shepherdess]
skaradogan: Jeune Fille Allant à la Fontaine [Young Girl Going to the Fountain
skaradogan: Jeunes Bohemiennes [Young Gypsies]
skaradogan: La Charité [Charity]
skaradogan: La Tricoteuse [The Little Knitter]
skaradogan: La Vague [The Wave]
skaradogan: L'Amour et Psyche, enfants [Cupid and Psyche as Children
skaradogan: L'art et la Litterature [Art and Literature]
skaradogan: Le Gué [The Ford]
skaradogan: Les Noisettes [Hazelnuts]
skaradogan: L'Orage [The Storm]
skaradogan: Nymphes_et_satyre
skaradogan: Petite boudeuse [The little sulk]
skaradogan: Petites Maraudeuses [Little Thieves]
skaradogan: Tricoteuse [The Little Knitter]
skaradogan: Bouguereau, William Adolphe-the-hard-lesson-1884