Jamie McCaffrey: Toronto from Snake Island Park.
Jamie McCaffrey: An Elvis sighting.
Jamie McCaffrey: I'll bet that he sticks the landing.
Jamie McCaffrey: Showboating for the cameras
Jamie McCaffrey: Purple at dusk
Jamie McCaffrey: Tradition - The Canadian Soldiers and the Prince
Jamie McCaffrey: Fishers
Jamie McCaffrey: Chicago Winter Chill
Jamie McCaffrey: Those clouds. That scowl. Time to get out of Dodge.
Jamie McCaffrey: Just going with the flow at Parc national de Plaisance.
Jamie McCaffrey: Bees and beaver dams
Jamie McCaffrey: Strange place for a button
Jamie McCaffrey: Sorry mister - I didn't know I was trespassing.
Jamie McCaffrey: Chihuahua
Jamie McCaffrey: Eye on the prize
Jamie McCaffrey: Golden hour + pumpkins + rainbow
Jamie McCaffrey: Decisions Decisions
Jamie McCaffrey: Look Ma! No Hands!
Jamie McCaffrey: Great Blue Heron
Jamie McCaffrey: Highland Regiments Tug-of-War
Jamie McCaffrey: Tug of War
Jamie McCaffrey: Pffffffttttttt !!!
Jamie McCaffrey: Rooted in tradition - the old and the new.
Jamie McCaffrey: I hope that's not her poker face.
Jamie McCaffrey: Another Christmas day comes to an end.
Jamie McCaffrey: The Autumn Migration - heading south.
Jamie McCaffrey: Which way is south?
Jamie McCaffrey: I hate it when they tailgate ...
Jamie McCaffrey: "L" Train in motion