Jamie McCaffrey: Sharing a drink with (my) dinner. 20/100
Jamie McCaffrey: 19/100 Fair winds and following seas Farley.
Jamie McCaffrey: 18/100: Knock ... knock ....
Jamie McCaffrey: 17/100 Cross of the Four Day Marches
Jamie McCaffrey: 16/100 A lazy Sunday morning
Jamie McCaffrey: His eyes really are that blue
Jamie McCaffrey: Cheers - an extra hour of sun tonight.
Jamie McCaffrey: A golden (medal) breakfast.
Jamie McCaffrey: Cribbage anyone? (12/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: I am SO SORRY. (11/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Two sides of the same Loonie ... (10/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Before the Loonie and Toonie there were .... (9/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Hanging around the house today (8/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Before LCD there was ... (7/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Don't mess with the Yoda (6/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: TiVo is in the house (5/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: I am IRONMAN !!! (4/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: MUG SHOT - Awww c'mon, give a smile and say cheese! (3/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Still Going Strong: the band if not the cassette tape (2/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Before the transistor, microchip, internet or television, there was … the vacuum tube (1/100)
Jamie McCaffrey: Looking into the past
Jamie McCaffrey: New deck sealer - success
Jamie McCaffrey: Macaroons!
Jamie McCaffrey: Good neighbours
Jamie McCaffrey: Sorry mister - I didn't know I was trespassing.
Jamie McCaffrey: Imagine the view from that cockpit.
Jamie McCaffrey: Watch!
Jamie McCaffrey: Peter Cottontail
Jamie McCaffrey: Chipping Sparrow
Jamie McCaffrey: Holy smokes! The early bird really does get the worm.