Jamie McCaffrey: A skating rink in Hyde Park
Jamie McCaffrey: The highest form of flattery
Jamie McCaffrey: Curry, beer and G-force carnival rides what could possibly go wrong?
Jamie McCaffrey: Scary Fun!
Jamie McCaffrey: The freedom of speed
Jamie McCaffrey: An evening skate in London
Jamie McCaffrey: I swear that I'm not with these people officer.
Jamie McCaffrey: I wonder if the Doctor is in?
Jamie McCaffrey: Memorial to RAF Bomber Command
Jamie McCaffrey: Iconic London
Jamie McCaffrey: Pub grub
Jamie McCaffrey: Golden bubbles
Jamie McCaffrey: A night out
Jamie McCaffrey: Canada Water Station
Jamie McCaffrey: Red phone booth
Jamie McCaffrey: Sunrise over the Irish Sea
Jamie McCaffrey: The times they are a changing.