Jamie McCaffrey: 19/100: Best cat TV channel ever.
Jamie McCaffrey: His eyes really are that blue
Jamie McCaffrey: No drama.
Jamie McCaffrey: You have our attention.
Jamie McCaffrey: Hogging the warm towels
Jamie McCaffrey: Kermit watching Lisa crocheting with a ball of wool
Jamie McCaffrey: Very serious about their time in the sun
Jamie McCaffrey: Did you hear that?
Jamie McCaffrey: Uh oh! Maybe he doesn't see me.
Jamie McCaffrey: What? I'm just lookin'!
Jamie McCaffrey: Come over here and say that!
Jamie McCaffrey: Who could resist those eyes?
Jamie McCaffrey: You're sitting in MY spot
Jamie McCaffrey: The pink sock
Jamie McCaffrey: Who can resist those eyes?
Jamie McCaffrey: Big Tease.
Jamie McCaffrey: The neighbourhood hobo
Jamie McCaffrey: Autumn
Jamie McCaffrey: C'mon out ya wimps - it's like spring.
Jamie McCaffrey: Dooooo it ... Dooooo it ... C'mon already ! Dooooo it !!!!
Jamie McCaffrey: The social-distancing ‘stare.’